
Watch recordings of our previous webinars and download additional resources to stay updated on the latest benefits news and trends.

Browse our collection of webinars, sorted in playlists by year with the most recent webinar at the top. To learn more and download the slides, select the โ€œInfo & Resourcesโ€ tab below the video. 

2023 Webinars

Info & Resources
How to Maximize Open Enrollment with BRI

Recorded 10/04/23

Itโ€™s that time of year again for many benefits professionals. Whether you are new to BRI or just looking for the latest updates, we have you covered this open enrollment season.
* Tips, tricks and best practices. What to keep in mind this open enrollment season.
* Resource check-in: BRI offers over 250+ resources to help you communicate and manage plans. Understand how to best use these resources.
* What participants want? Learn what participants are saying and what they are looking for.
* Recent enhancements to the BRI offering that are making an impact.


Webinar Slides

2022 Webinars

Info & Resources
Child Care Landscape: Family Challenges and Employer Solutions

Recorded 9/20/22

Itโ€™s no secret that working parents struggle to find and secure the child care they need to work and with inventory declines and price increases at care centers across the country the impact on families and your bottom line is larger than ever. BRI has partnered with Kinside to bring you the data and tools to help you address these issues among your employees, aiding attraction and retention.

  • The child care landscape

  • Whatโ€™s top-of-mind for working parents

  • How your working parents can take advantage of their BRI sponsored child care benefit

  • Ways to help parents save on child care costs

  • What tools are already at your fingertips for help families save


Webinar Slides

2021 Webinars

Info & Resources
Legislative Endings and Beginnings: What Will Benefits Look Like in 2022?

Recorded 10/26/21

Join us as we dive into the legislative and regulatory environment of consumer-driven benefits accounts and COBRA administration.

  • Legislative relief set to expire at the end of the year and how to take advantage of it before it is gone

  • Permanent changes that may affect how you look at benefits for 2022

  • Legislative predictions for year-end and beyond


Webinar Slides

Want more educational resources?

Visit our Resource Center! There, youโ€™ll find eBooks, flyers, videos, and more to help you better understand all the intricacies of the benefits space. You can also check out our blog for information and opinions on consumer-driven benefits.