Open Enrollment Resources

Find everything you need for Open Enrollment all in one place โ€“ tips, downloadable resources, and more!

Employer Resources

Plan Setup

As you begin to think about your upcoming open enrollment period, it is a good time to take a look at your current plan design.

Will you be offering any new benefits programs?

Attract and retain employees by providing them with a unique blend of service, convenience, and savings with a comprehensive benefit account package.
Request a proposal

Have you prepared for FSA/HRA reenrollment yet?

We will contact you via email when it's time to begin. But, you can get a head start by completing our form to initiate changes to your Medical FSA maximum/rollover amount and reviewing FSA/HRA re-enrollment instructions.
Learn More

Will you make any other changes to your benefits?

As you implement new options, you may need to make changes or plan document updates for your existing programs. To discuss potential plan design options, contact your Account Manager.
Access contact info
Plan Changes or Additions?

Are you considering plan changes or additions to better serve your employeesโ€™ needs? Look no further โ€“ talk to us. Our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way. We understand that the world of benefits can be complex, and thatโ€™s why weโ€™re committed to simplifying the process for you. 

Open Enrollment Communication Tips

Communication and education are essential for a successful benefits plan. View tips on effective Open Enrollment communication below.

Most employers use PowerPoint slides to communicate during Open Enrollment. This is fine to do, but you want to make sure you donโ€™t fall into whatโ€™s called โ€œdeath by PowerPointโ€. Aim to meet the benchmark of 10 slides, 20 minutes, and 30-point font. 

  • Record: You will never get all employees in one place at the same time, but you can ensure they donโ€™t miss out. 
  • Engage: Incorporate polls and prizes.
  • Answer questions: Employees will have questions, so make sure you allow plenty of time to address them.
  • Catch attention: Use visuals, video, and sound to catch attention and keep interest.
  • Humor / Humanize: Use humor and humanize your content to make your presentation both relatable and engaging

Make sure your messages are noticed by leveraging the tools and channels employees are actively communicating in. Over 80% of employers reported using three or more methods of communication during open enrollment in 2021. A PowerPoint presentation likely isnโ€™t enough; you will likely need more than one communication approach to reach employees.

Channels to Consider
ChannelMost popular uses
Internal sites/tools (intranet, sharepoint, payroll, BenAdmin platform, etc.)
  • Aggregate information & resources
  • Formal announcements
  • Ability to manage benefits
Collaboration tools (Teams, Slack, Messenger apps)
  • Reminders
  • Short-form communications / tips
  • Share stories / Q&A
Email, text, mailed communication
  • Notifications, reminders
  • Links to more detailed info
In-person / virtual meetings
  • Formal announcements
  • Share stories / Q&A
Newsletters / Benefits Communications
  • Reminders / Tips
Social Medial Groups
  • Extended learning
  • Reminders
  • Share stories / Q&A

They say that employees need to hear a message an average of seven times before understanding it. However, make sure you donโ€™t overload your employees with too much information. Doing so can lead to confusion and make it more difficult for them to make informed benefits decisions. Instead, highlight the most crucial information and leave time for questions and discussion. By taking this approach, you ensure your communication is informative and productive.  

Proper overcommunicating is about regularly delivering information thatโ€™s important, straight to the point, and sent at the right time and to the right people.

As you look at your approach to communications, you may want to consider opportunities for personalization and/or segmentation. Both can help in getting employees to see the value and not overlook critical information or benefits.

  • Personalization ensures employees have specific and relevant details. For example, you might have details on what they enrolled in last year, which could serve as a reference for what they may want to enroll in this year.
  • Segmentation uses details or factors about an individual to focus your message on a specific audience. This might align life stages with certain benefits. Or if you know employees have dependents, you might create a message regarding the benefits that appeal to families such as dependent care, childcare location services, or family counseling services. By contrast, you may have individuals later in their career that have a need for retirement readiness services.

In an ideal scenario, you are combining both personalization and segmentation. However, this can be challenging and time-consuming to coordinate, so you may want to just take the first step and try one or the other.

While multiple and bite-sized communications are often a key to getting through to employees, there are also benefits to providing a centralized location for all your benefit information. It becomes a go-to reference for employees to quickly access resources and learn a bit more.


The thought of creating a centralized resource can be a bit daunting and might create flashbacks to the times where a 150 page benefits guide was the go-to approach, but it doesnโ€™t need to be complicated or overwhelming.


There are multiple opportunities to centralize the information and resources employees will need. This can be your payroll/benefits site, an internal site (e.g., SharePoint, Intranet, teams file shares), or a shared network drive. The key is to use clear descriptions or naming conventions and keep things organized and up-to-date.

Employer Resources

BRI is here to guide you through the Open Enrollment process and make things simple and stress-free. We have the following resources available to you: 

  • Plan Snippets: Pre-written summaries about BRI and our offerings! Use the content in this document for open enrollment presentations and materials. Grab the snippet(s) you like, and customize them to fit your needs. 
  • PowerPoint Presentation Slides: Save time creating your own slides by taking ones from BRIโ€™s official decks and customizing them as you see fit. You can see the full pre-recorded presentations of these same slides in the applicable plan sections on this page. 
  • Email Templates:  Download ready-made email templates to make enrollment communication easy and efficient.

FSA Resources

Below, youโ€™ll find our collection of FSA Open Enrollment resources. Use the arrows on the slider to navigate through what we have available. Spanish versions are linked when available. 

HSA Resources

Below, youโ€™ll find our collection of HSA Open Enrollment resources. Use the arrows on the slider to navigate through what we have available. Spanish versions are linked when available. 

HRA/HRA VEBA Resources

Below, youโ€™ll find our collection of HRA and HRA VEBA Open Enrollment resources. Use the arrows on the slider to navigate through what we have available. Spanish versions are linked when available. 

Commuter Resources

Below, youโ€™ll find our collection of Commuter Benefit Plan (CBP) Open Enrollment resources. Use the arrows on the slider to navigate through what we have available. Spanish versions are linked when available. 

after open enrollment, what's next?

Help your employees make the most of the tools and resources available to them. Our โ€œCommunication Calendarโ€ page can help you adapt a year-long communication strategy for maximum effectiveness.