Receipt Instructions

  1. Select the “Submit a Receipt” option from the navigation.
  2. Select “Submit Preemptive Receipt” or select the outstanding receipt request.
  3. Enter the information requested.
  4. Submit your Receipt: take a photo or upload a receipt from your photos. Note, you may experience delays with large files or poor network signals on your device.
  5. Once your receipt has uploaded, select the “Submit” button.

See a Full Walkthrough

Claim Instructions

Tip: Streamline the submission process! Combine all expenses for a single month, from the same provider, into one line item on your claim form. Be sure to enter the dates of service accordingly.

  1. Select the “Submit a Claim” option from the navigation.
  2. On the claims page, you will see the accounts available to make a claim against. Click the “Start Claim” button.
  3. Complete the information requested. Note, If you receive an “Invalid Date Error”, make sure that the selected dates are after your effective date in the Plan and that you are still eligible to submit an expense for the selected dates.
  1. Submit your Receipt: take a photo or upload a receipt from your photos. Note, you may experience delays with large files or poor network signals on your device.
  2. Once your receipt has uploaded, select the “Submit” button.
  3. Upon submission, you will have the option to “Submit Another Claim Like This” or “Submit Another Claim”. “Submit Another Claim Like This” will pre-populate values in the claim based on the claim just submitted. “Submit Another Claim” provides a blank claim form.

See a Full Walkthrough


The BRIMOBILE app provides participants with secure, on-the-go access to their accounts with BRI. Continue reading to learn more and download the app. 

Download the BRIMobile App

BRIMOBILE is the ultimate tool for managing tax-free accounts on-the-go. This app provides participants with instant and secure access to scan and search for eligible items, view current and prior year balances, access recent card transactions, submit and view recent claims, upload receipts, and more!

How to Register

You will need your Login ID and password to access the app for the first time. Once logged in, you can set up a PIN to simplify the login process in the future. 


If you have not created a Login ID and password, you will first need to register an account on BRIWEB. Learn how by watching the video to the right.


Register on-the-go! There is a “Register Account” link on the login page of the app. Selecting that will take you out of the app and into your default mobile browser. Once there, you can follow the same steps outlined in the video. 

Features & Instructions

Use the triple-line “hamburger” menu in the upper right corner to navigate through the app and do the following:


View Account Details

On the Account Overview screen, you’ll find all current and prior year balances with BRI. Note, actual available funds may vary if you have recent or pending transactions.


Access Recent Transactions

The Transaction Summary screen allows you to view transactions that have occurred during the last 30 days. Available for Medical FSA, HSA, HRA, Mass Transit, Parking.


Submit a Claim

From the Submit a Claim screen, you can view recent claims and submit a claim for plans you’re enrolled in. Click below for instructions.

Claim instructions

Submit a Receipt

From the Submit a Receipt screen, you can respond to receipt requests or submit a receipt proactively. Click below for instructions.

Receipt Instructions

Find eligible medical items

On the Eligible Expenses screen, click “Scan Item” to scan a barcode and see if that item is an eligible expense. Or, click “Search OTC” to access a searchable expense list.


Sign up for Notifications

On the Notifications screen, you can opt-in to receive real-time text or email account alerts. Note, standard text rates may apply from your wireless provider.

Submit a Bug Report

BRIMOBILE Support is available to keep you informed on issues that have been identified, options for troubleshooting, and plans for fixes to the BRIMOBILE app. Complete the form below to report a bug.

BRIMOBILE Bug Report Form

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Are you making the most of your bri benefits?

Check out our other Resource pages to help maximize your BRI experience. You can also visit our Resource Center to find brochures, videos, forms, how-to guides, infographics, and more in both English and Spanish.