Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)

Key features of an HRA:

  • Beniversal Prepaid Mastercardยฎ โ€“ Instant access to account funds and widespread acceptance at approved merchants providing medical products and services accepting Debit Mastercard.
  • BRIWEB โ€“ Your secure online resource for account balance, transaction details, online claims, receipt upload and more.
  • BRIALERTS: You are now able to receive real-time alerts by text message or email regarding your accounts with BRI. Note: Standard text messaging rates from your wireless service provider may apply.
  • BRIMOBILE App โ€“ On-the-go account access to view balances, recent transactions and submit claims for iPhone, iPad and Android devices.
  • Participant Support โ€“ Our participant services representatives are available to assist by phone, email and online chat. Click here to view contact details.

Who is Covered by Your HRA?

Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 105(h) allows employers to contribute tax-free funds to Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs) so employees can pay for certain medical expenses that are not covered by any other source. HRAs can be designed by an employer to fit a variety of needs and program designs. To understand how your HRA is set up, you will need to review your plan documents or other plan information provided by your employer.

Here are some HRA Basics:

  • HRAs are funded entirely through employer contributions. Your employer will indicate what contributions will be made and at what frequency.
  • Your employer will determine the eligibility requirements for receiving HRA contributions. Generally, you must be enrolled in a specific health plan through the employer to receive the funds.
  • Your employer may limit the expense types that can be reimbursed through the HRA. Potential eligible medical expenses are defined by IRC Section 213(d) and may include: co-payments, co-insurance, deductible, dental, vision, chiropractic, and more. Please see your plan documents for specifics on eligible expenses for your plan.
  • Your employer will determine when claims must be submitted and how long contributed funds will remain available. Some plans work like an FSA and the HRA funds must be spent by the end of the plan year. Other plans will roll over from year to year.

Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs) vary based on the options and features selected by your employer. Please review your plan documents for details regarding eligibility, eligible expenses, funding amounts/frequency, claims submission deadlines, and more. Plan documents are available for download through the BRIWEB login. Click here for more information on how to find and read them.

Here is a quick reference on what to expect and tips for using your HRA.

  1. Receiving your Beniversalยฎ Prepaid Mastercardยฎ (if offered): If you have enrolled in an account with BRI. for the first time, you will be receiving a Beniversal Card by mail. Your card arrives in a plain white envelope from BRI. Once you receive your card, you will need to activate it by calling the number on the activation sticker. If you already have a Beniversal Card, you can continue to use the card through the expiration date. Learn more about the Beniversal Card.
  2. Logging in to BRIWEB: BRIWEB is your secure participant login for managing your accounts with BRI. This platform allows you to view balance and transaction information, submit claims, download plan documents, and much more. Learn more about BRIWEB.
  3. Download the BRIMOBILE app: BRIMOBILE is your on-the-go account access to view balances and recent transactions, submit claims and send receipts. It is available for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Learn more about BRIMOBILE
  4. Sign-up for BRiALERTS: Receive real-time text or email alerts regarding transactions and account balance. To sign-up, log into BRiWEB or the BRiMOBILE app and select Notifications. (Note: Standard text messaging rates from your wireless provider may apply.)
  5. Save Receipts: The IRS requires BRI to verify that 100% of transactions are for eligible medical expenses. When an expense cannot be verified automatically, we may request a receipt.
  6. Submitting Claims: When not using the Beniversal Card, you can submit a claim with your receipt or supporting documentation. Claims can be submitted online at BRiWEB, through the BRiMOBILE app, or by sending a claim form by mail. View step-by-step walk-through of submitting a claim.
  7. Checking Your Balance: Login to BRIWEB or BRIMOBILE to view the balance of your HRA. Alternatively, you can call our 24/7 automated QuickBalance Line. Just dial Participant Services at (800) 473-9595, select the card balance option from the menu prompt,and enter your card information.
  8. Contacting Participant Services: Participant Services is available to assist with your questions by phone, chat, and email. Representatives are available in English and Spanish. Click here to view contact details.

HRA Resources

HRA Related Articles

Are you Getting the Most Out of Your HRA?

Start using the money your employer makes available to you for qualifying services and products. Visit our Resource Center for more information.