Communication Calendar

Review our sample message ideas and resources to help you build out your yearly pre-tax participant communications.

Communication Tips & Best Practices

Letโ€™s face it. Open Enrollment is overwhelming for both employers and employees. It is no wonder 1 in 3 benefits professionals report that communications are often lost, overlooked or misunderstood. While we may never get rid of the overload at open enrollment, we can lighten the load with a year-long communication strategy that looks to provide more bite-sized, focused messages over time. Here are a few best practices to consider:

Be sure to make it SMART

(Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time Bound)

Potential communication goals
  • Send one benefits reminder communication per month.
  • Hold a benefits education workshop for employees once per quarter.
  • Invite benefits partners to speak with and educate employees (outside of open enrollment).
  • Commit to starting open enrollment education 30 days earlier than in the past.
  • Try one (or more) new channels of communicating with employees.

Make sure your messages are noticed by leveraging the tools and channels employees are actively communicating in. Over 80% of employers reported using three or more methods of communication to reach employees. You will likely need more than one communication approach to reach employees.


Channels to Consider
ChannelMost popular uses
Internal sites/tools (intranet, sharepoint, payroll, BenAdmin platform, etc.)
  • Aggregate information & resources
  • Formal announcements
  • Ability to manage benefits
Collaboration tools (Teams, Slack, Messenger apps)
  • Reminders
  • Short-form communications / tips
  • Share stories / Q&A
Email, text, mailed communication
  • Notifications, reminders
  • Links to more detailed info
In-person / virtual meetings
  • Formal announcements
  • Share stories / Q&A
Newsletters / Benefits Communications
  • Reminders / Tips
Social Medial Groups
  • Extended learning
  • Reminders
  • Share stories / Q&A
While your Communication Calendar should be flexible and adapted throughout the year as communication needs arise, the key is to create a plan and remain committed to incremental education of employees.

Want Additional Communication Best Practices?

Visit our Webinars page and check out some of our past topics centered around communication. Two great places to start are two webinars recorded in 2022, โ€˜How to Keep Participants Informed All Year Longโ€˜ and โ€˜Planning and Executing on Your Employee Communication Strategyโ€˜.

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Sample Communication Messages and Resources

The following sections are intended to outline possible message flows. Donโ€™t be afraid to adapt to your employeesโ€™ needs. Be sure to check out our complete Resource Center and Blog for even more options, including many Spanish resources.


Looking for Open Enrollment Resources?

We have a new page dedicated to providing you with the resources and guidance needed for a successful Open Enrollment. There, we provide general tips and best practices, as well as include links with descriptions of the English and Spanish Open Enrollment resources that you can download. Check it out now by clicking the button below. 

Plan Year Start

Toward the start of your plan year, communication should be centered around reminding your employees that theyโ€™re enrolled in pre-tax benefits with BRI and providing them with the tools and resources needed to start managing those benefits. The following resources can help you do that. The video linked below can be previewed to the right. 

Reminder: Get Online & Start Managing Your Benefits

Not everyone will take action to register for a BRIWEB account during Open Enrollment or Plan Year start. Sometime during the year, be sure to remind them to do so. To help those who have put off registering, be sure to remind participants of their Company Code and Member ID Basis. At this time, you can also share information about BRIโ€™s other account management tools: the BRIMOBILE App and BRIALERTS. 

Card Features

Beniversal Card

Once the plan year is a bit underway, itโ€™s likely that most participants have started to use their Beniversalยฎ or eTracยฎ  Prepaid Mastercardยฎ. But, itโ€™s possible they havenโ€™t taken advantage of some of the additional FREE features they get with it, including digital wallet compatibility, FREE Mastercard ID Theft Protectionโ„ข, and HealthLock for Mastercardยฎ. You can share information about these features using the resources linked below. 

Claims & Receipt Requests (FSA/HRA Plans)

After sharing information about their card, it can be helpful to provide FSA/HRA participants information on what to do (1) when making an eligible purchase not using their card, and (2) if they receive a receipt follow-up request from BRI. 

Localized Information & Resources for Commuter Benefits

BRIโ€™s Commuter Resource Center allows participants to find their city and view useful links and tips about using their Beniversal or eTRAC card for commuting in their area. If the city is not listed, a โ€œGeneralโ€ option is available for links and tips that apply to all locations.

What Changes can be made to my benefits?

Mid-year changes that participants can make to their benefits vary based on plan type. 


Flexible Spending Accounts

Changes to a Medical, Limited, or Dependent Care FSA election can only be made with a qualifying life event. 


Health Savings Accounts

HSA contributions can be made at any time up until the tax filing deadline. Total contributions by all parties must be at or below the IRS limits. Participants can also invest their funds to grow their balance. 


Commuter Benefit Accounts

Updates to contributions can be made at any time, but may have limitations and deadlines set by your plan. 

Eligible Expenses & Plan Documents

Provide participants with a reminder of how they can spend their funds and any restrictions or deadlines imposed by your plan. 

Eligible Expenses

Our Eligible Expenses page contains pre-tax eligible expenses for medical, dependent care, and commuter accounts. On that page is also a searchable list of eligible expenses and links to other tools and resources. 

Plan Documents

Remind plan participants that details about their specific plan(s) โ€“ requirements, limitations, and deadlines โ€“ are available within their plan documents. These are housed in the Documents section of BRIWEB. 

Access additional resources

Visit our Resource Center for our full collection of downloadable resources and videos in English and Spanish.