Top Blogs of the Decade

Benefit resource blogs 2019 review

As we close out the decade, we look back at the most educational, news breaking blogs for a 2019 review. From tax reform to how-to articles, here are the top 10 blogs from Benefit Resource:

Check Your Balance

To quote Jerry McGuire, โ€œShow me the money!โ€ If you want to see your balance fast and skip calling in, this article has all the tips you need.

MTA fare increases announced, effective April 21, 2019

When the Metropolitan Transportation Authority bumped prices in early 2019, it made a few headlines. Changes took place for New York City Transit, MaBSTOA, Staten Island Railway, MTA Bus and commuter railroads. So far, prices have held steadyโ€ฆ

Pre-tax limits

Across 2018 and 2019, the announcement of pre-tax limits held employeesโ€™ attention. Stay on the ball and check view 2020 pre-tax limits here and here.

What 2018 IRS Publication 15-B says about Commuter Benefits

When this reform occurred, it brought the suspension of qualified bicycle commuting reimbursements. Commuter benefits continued to see changes from Washington this year as well.

5 things you need to understand about new benefits

Number 1: Make sure you know what account(s) you have.

Number 2: Not all FSAs are use-it-or-lose-it at the end of the year.

See the rest and kick off January with new knowledge to help you avoid frustration with benefits.

What happens to HSA funds at the end of the year?

There are too many acronyms in benefits. HSA. FSA. How can you tell them apart?
Compare the main differences between these accounts and why an HSA is largely considered one of the best pre-tax accounts available.

How do HRAs Work? 5 Surprising Facts

This post incorporated statistics from Benefit Resourceโ€™s inaugural Employee Benefits Fluency Survey. The survey aimed to gauge employeesโ€™ knowledge about their pre-tax benefits.

Turns out Health Reimbursement Accounts are confusing for employees and employers. This post clears up the most common misunderstandings about HRAs.

Top 8 places to use your Health FSA

From the FSAStore to Amazon, here are the best places to use up your Flexible Spending Account funds.

5 Reasons You Wonโ€™t Enroll in an HSA

Take a look if you want to know about everything wrong with Health Savings Accounts.

When can I make an election change to my FSA? To my HSA?

We all know that you can only make changes to your benefits during your companyโ€™s benefits enrollment. And that only happens once a year. Right?

Well, not entirely. There are certain scenarios outside of that time frame when you can change your benefits, including the ones in this article.

6 Reasons COBRA Coverage Ends Early

There are many components to COBRA and most of them are relatively confusing, no matter how many guides you read. This article explains common reasons why COBRA coverage might end before you expect it.

And thatโ€™s a wrap for our 2019 review! Feel free to leave comments on any of the blogs and make sure you see all the news for 2020. Subscribe to our newsletter, the BRiPulse.