5 Great Reasons to Celebrate HSA Awareness Day This Year

HSA Awareness Day 2021

HSA Awareness Day is October 15th, and we are so excited to share our love of Health Savings Accounts withโ€ฆwell, everyone! Before we get started, here are a few tidbits about HSAs:

Putting the HSA in โ€œHSA Awareness Dayโ€

Happy Birthday! HSAs were first legislated into existence in 2003. While HSAs are now legally considered an adult, theyโ€™re still relatively young. Employee benefits date back to the 1870s so at only 18 years old, these accounts are full of promise and potential!

Favorite Quote: โ€œStow it & Grow it.โ€ โ€“ Health Savings Accounts

Best Asset: Adaptability! A Health Savings Account is one of the most versatile pre-tax benefit accounts available and is a great fit for a wide range of people.

Reasons to Celebrate HSA Awareness Day

1. Theyโ€™re Simple

Truly, Health Savings Accounts tend to be incredibly low-maintenance. We love their simplicity so much, we wrote an entire Ode to HSAs in 5 Parts. We particularly love the verse about substantiation!

2. The Numbers Donโ€™t Lie

The greatness of the Health Savings Account is scientifically proven.* Donโ€™t believe us? Head over to our classroom so we can dissect the Anatomy of an HSA for you.

*We are not actual scientists and have not performed any real experiments to back this statement upโ€ฆyet.

3. They Have Our Backs

โ€ฆand hips, and knees, and anything else that might need a tune-up as we approach retirement. Health care costs are rising, but with your HSA by your side, youโ€™ll have no problem Covering Health Care Costs in Retirement.

4. Theyโ€™re Friendly

HSAs are compatible with some other pre-tax accounts (Commuter, Limited FSA, and Limited HRA) and post-tax accounts (such as lifestyle and wellness accounts). Did you know they also play nicely with your 401(k)? Actually, a case can be made for Why an HSA and a 401(k) Make the Perfect Power Couple! We will forever ship these accounts together.

5. They Love Halloween!

Thereโ€™s a reason HSA Awareness Day and Halloween share a celebration month. Health Savings Accounts are great at trick-or-treat! HSA-Compatible Health Plans show up to costume parties dressed as scary HDHPs, but donโ€™t let them fool you! Donโ€™t Shy Away From a High-Deductible Health Plan Because of the Name โ€“ the treats we listed earlier are well worth putting up with the Halloween hi-jinx.

Ways to Celebrate HSA Awareness Day

  • Check your HSA eligibility. Open Enrollment typically happens around November/December โ€“ get a head start and see if youโ€™re eligible to enroll in an HSA so you can keep the celebration going year-round!
  • Get educated. For as simple as we think HSAs are, they are also one of the most misunderstood benefit offerings. Take a gander at our Resource Center for more infographics, videos, and flyers about HSAs.
  • Share your #HSAday story. Do you have an HSA already? Tag us on social media and tell us about it โ€“ weโ€™d love to celebrate this day with you!