If you are feeling overwhelmed by the idea of having to go back to the office, don’t worry. We will get you through it.

Returning to the office, a moment of joy for some. Others would prefer to stay home. We’re coming to terms with the fact that life goes on, even though we have been through a lot. The world seems like it’s returning to what was in 2019. However, many may feel very anxious about their return to office.

The biggest struggle for going back to the office can be fighting the urge to press the snooze button on your morning alarm. Waking up at the crack of dawn to go back to the office can feel almost impossible after the short commute down your hallway. Embrace the morning and create a routine to help jump-start your day. You’ll feel bright and refreshed when you get to work.
If all else fails, never underestimate the power of a cup of coffee!

…and let’s not forget about the importance of following the dress code. Some may struggle with losing the ability to work in sweatpants or pajamas. If your HR manager hasn’t sent a reminder of the dress code at your office, you can check with them if you think you need a refresher.

Now that you’ll be commuting to work, make sure to make the most of it! Revisit your commuter benefits, which allow employees to pay for workplace commuting expenses, such as mass transit, parking, and other related expenses, on a tax-free basis.
Don’t forget to drive safely!

If you have been working remotely for a while, you may want to begin with a ‘spring cleaning’ of your desk. You might be surprised by some of the items you left behind in 2020.
Clean out your desk and start fresh! Bring in items from your home office, set out new photos, and showcase things that ‘spark joy’ to help bridge the transition.

Keep health a priority for yourself and those around you. If you do get sick, don’t worry – you could use your HSA funds to help pay for everything from cold medicine to a COVID-19 At-Home Viral Detection Test.
The HSA Store provides a convenient way to use HSA dollars on healthcare products. They also outline HSA-eligible products, so there is no confusion about what’s reimbursable.

Let’s be honest – while working remotely was nice, we missed some of the human connections that happen in the office. Being back is a blessing for those who missed their colleagues.
Our social skills might be a little rusty after being cooped up at home, but the awkwardness should wear off after being back out in the world.

It’s been a while since we’ve had an in-person meeting. Just because there is no longer a mute button for your coworkers, there is no reason to overreact.

You might also want to think about your sensory boundaries as you return to a crowded office. Suddenly being around a lot of people may shock your system. That coworker listening to music without headphones can drive you crazy. Step outside, and close your eyes. Do some breathing or stretching, or practice meditation.

Reconnect with people; remember, they’ve also been through a lot. Meet your new coworkers face to face, and take your time.
Celebrate little things to make the transition easier and more enjoyable. Whether that’s a team happy hour or skipping around the room on your birthday.

At the end of the day, you always have your work bestie to rely on.
The past two years have been an adjustment, to say the least. It will take a bit to get back into your old habits again. Don’t overthink it.