Your guide to faster claim submissions

BRI claims infographic

Ready to speed up your claims process?

Click here to download our claims infographic and get started with four simple steps.

For the best viewing experience: Use your keyboard controls or mouse to zoom in on the image.

Other Resources

Walk Through: Use this step-by-step walk-through to see how to submit claims online through your desktop computer or on your phone with the BRiMobile app. This walk-through complements the claims infographic to give you a full understanding of what to expect when submitting a claim.

Want more info? Check out our other guides and articles on our blog page. If you liked this guide, you might also like our Ultimate Receipt Guide. You can also subscribe to the BRiPulse newsletter to receive monthly tips and updates like:

  • how to the most from your pre-tax plan(s) from BRI
  • what new deals are available from the FSA Store and HSA Store
  • when important plan deadlines are coming up