5 Reasons to Give Thanks for Employee Benefits This Thanksgiving

Thanks for Employee Benefits

The turkey’s in the oven, the family’s on their way, and you’re all set for a day of feasting and fun. But before you sit down to enjoy your well-deserved feast, we wanted to take a moment to remind you of all the things you have to be thankful for at work – namely, your […]

4 ways to survive commuting during the holidays

commuting during the holidays

Commuting during the holidays presents a unique set of challenges. Hours of operation might be shortened or regular routes might be changed or temporarily unavailable. Unexpected delays from weather are more frequent and can make it feel impossible to arrive on time. (No matter how early you leave). Finally, there’s the element of determining how […]

Pre-Tax Benefits Don’t Have to be Scary

Benefits Don't Have to be Scary

It’s that time of year again! The leaves are changing color, the air is getting cooler, and ghosts, goblins, and witches are getting ready to come out and play. But, there’s one thing that doesn’t have to be scary this Halloween —your pre-tax benefits! Commuter benefits, flexible spending accounts, dependent care, and health savings accounts […]

A Generational Overview of Employee Benefits

Generational Overview of Employee Benefits

As the workforce evolves, so do the expectations of employees. While benefits have always been an important part of attracting and retaining employees, the types of benefits that are most important to employees vary by generation. In order to attract and retain the best talent, employers need to be aware of what each generation is […]

2023 Contribution Limits Announced for FSA and Commuter

2023 Limits

The IRS released the 2023 contribution limits for Mass Transit and Parking, Medical FSA, and Adoption Assistance in Revenue Procedure 2022-38. The limits are effective for plan years that begin on or after January 1, 2023. 2023 CONTRIBUTION LIMIT: MASS TRANSIT AND PARKING Maximum Election: $300 / month (up from $280 / month in 2022) 2023 […]

The OMNY Weekly Fare Cap Provides an Equitable Way to Pay Your Fare

OMNY weekly fare cap

New York City’s public transportation system is one of the best, but it can be expensive, especially for regular commuters. Commuters across New York are thrilled with the new OMNY weekly fare cap! This new fare cap went into effect earlier this year and makes it easier and more equitable for New Yorkers to pay […]

Evergreen commuting – The best way to commute

the best way to commute

If you have a Commuter Benefit Plan (CBP), you may have heard that it’s “evergreen.” How so? Well, you can look at it three different ways. It puts more green in your pocket, it helps you go green, and your account election is evergreen. Evergreen commuting is the best way to commute! More green in […]

Creating a Positive Work Environment to Ask Questions

create a positive work environment

There is plenty of information on the web about what employees should ask employers regarding benefits. But there are surprisingly few resources that address steps employers can take to create a positive work environment- specifically one where it’s safe to ask questions about benefit plans. John Maxwell, leadership mentor and speaker, said “People may hear […]

Philadelphia Commuter Ordinance and What Employers Need to Know

Philadelphia Commuter Ordinance

On June 9, 2022, the Philadelphia, PA City Council passed an ordinance requiring certain employers to make a commuter transit benefit program available to eligible employees. The new ordinance, “Employee Commuter Transit Benefit Programs,” will apply to employers with 50 or more covered employees (excluding government employers). Covered employees working at least 30 hours a […]

7 Ways to Simplify Your Commute

Simplify Your Commute

Commuting can be stressful. But what if there were a few small changes you could make that would simplify your commute and help you feel better when you finally arrive at work? Let’s start with the Beniversal® or eTRAC® Prepaid Mastercard® ; it’s an easy-to-use method for commuting expenses. 1. Swipe your card at the […]

Employee Benefits Communication Mistakes and How to Avoid Them 

Benefits Communication Mistakes

When it comes to employee benefits, communication is key. However, many employers still make common communication mistakes that can have a negative impact on how their employees view their benefits. Here are some of the most common mistakes employers make regarding employee benefits and how to avoid them: Communication mistake: Providing too much information at […]

Bright Side of Benefits – Episode 05: Common Questions Regarding Consumer-driven Benefits

Common Questions Regarding Consumer-driven Benefits

In episode 5 of the Bright Side of Benefits, host Becky Seefeldt sits down with BRI’s Participant Services Leader Dave Stehler to dive into some of the common questions that participants have regarding their consumer-driven benefits. Listen to Episode 5 below: Listen on-the-go! Our podcast can be found on over 30 different platforms, including Spotify, […]

Help Employees Commute with Ease


Commuter Benefits help employees with a variety of work-related travel expenses, but what about transportation items that don’t fall under a commuter benefit plan? BRI has created Specialty Accounts for instances just like this. Specialty Accounts are designed for employees by employers. BRI works with employers to create a benefits plan that is tailored specifically […]

Stay Healthy While Commuting to Work

Staying Healthy while Commuting

The pandemic has been difficult for many of us, but with cases decreasing, you might find yourself preparing to head back into the office. You may also wonder what precautions you can take to stay healthy while commuting and working in an office. We have an easy-to-follow guide to help you commute safely and stay […]

Going Back to the Office (As Told by The Office)

Going Back to Work

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the idea of having to go back to the office, don’t worry. We will get you through it. Returning to the office, a moment of joy for some. Others would prefer to stay home. We’re coming to terms with the fact that life goes on, even though we have […]

Your Tax Guide to Pre-tax Benefit Accounts

Tax Guide to Pre-tax

The name alone – “pre-tax benefit accounts” – implies there might be tax implications. However, you might be surprised to learn there are little or no tax consequences for most of these benefits. Use these simple tips as your tax guide to pre-tax benefit accounts. (And how much effort you’ll have to put in before […]

2022 Contribution Limits Announced For FSA and Commuter

2022 Contribution Limits

The IRS released the 2022 contribution limits for Mass Transit, Parking, Medical FSA, and Adoption Assistance in Revenue Procedure 2021-45. The limits are effective for plan years that begin on or after January 1, 2022. 2022 CONTRIBUTION LIMIT: MASS TRANSIT AND PARKING Maximum Election: $280 / month (up from $270 / month in 2021) 2022 […]

It’s a Pre-tax Benefits Monster Mash

Enroll in Pre-Tax Benefits this Spooky Season

Pre-tax benefits are a great thing to take advantage of whether you’re male or female, young or old…and alive or dead? For a little “Spooky Season” fun, we take a look at various monsters and match them up with the perfect pre-tax account to help employees see why they should enroll in pre-tax benefits. Why […]

3 predictions for commuting in 2022

In 2020, we saw the world come to a halt over coronavirus-related stay at home orders. Now 2021, with the release of the vaccine, we are seeing cities start to spring to life again (COVID-related precautions in place, of course). So what’s in store next? Here are three predictions for commuting in 2022. Prediction 1: […]

Productive Daily Commute: Two Birds, One Stone

Productive daily commute - Making the most of commuter benefits

If your company offers employees pre-tax transit benefits, you can use your daily commute to kill two birds with one stone. When you fund your trips to and from work with a commuter account, you’ve won half the battle. The other half is making your commute work for you. Whether your door-to-door is 2 hours […]

Adapting your Benefits to the Changing Workplace

Adapting your Benefits to the Changing Workplace

Coronavirus has caused a shift from office cubicles to remote work, and experts believe it’s here to stay. Many companies are adapting to this changing workplace by going hybrid or fully remote. But is it enough to keep employees from packing up and finding work elsewhere? Changing your benefits package to accommodate this flexible work […]

4 Factors to Consider as Employees Return to the Office

return to work mass transit parking safety covid-19

Commuter benefit plans need to meet the demands of the modern worker who will soon return to the office. Gone are the days of a monthly commuting pass; here to stay is the new hybrid model. Employees may come into the office only a few days a week using different forms of transportation each time. […]

Employees returning to work may choose this instead of the train

Employees returning to work parking commute option

With employees returning to work in larger metro areas, many are still hesitant to ride trains or subways. But many workers are held back by not having alternative options, such as paying for a parking garage after commuting to the office. Mass transit or parking? Mass transit and parking options are often available through employer […]