Back in the office? Keep these essentials close!

back in the office items on desk

Return to work is this summerโ€™s hottest topic, and weโ€™re jumping on the bandwagon.  Weโ€™ve put together a list of five essentials to keep in your bag as you get ready to head back in the office.  The best part about this list: theyโ€™re all FSA eligible expenses!

1.  Sunscreen

Going back to work means venturing into the bright day.  Whether youโ€™re looking at the sunshine through your car windshield or running to catch public transportation, make sure youโ€™re protecting yourself from the harmful UV rays!  Grab a nice SPF 30 for your face and body.

2. Sunglasses

While youโ€™re protecting your skin, why not be kind to your eyes as well?  Grab a classic frame like these Rayban Wayfarers to combine form and function by ordering a pair of stylish prescription sunglasses!

3.  Pain Relievers

Fluorescent lighting is harsh.  Not only does it make everyone look like theyโ€™re in the hot seat during an interrogation, but the harsh artificial light can lend itself to frequent headaches (especially when paired with staring at the blue light from computers all day).  Donโ€™t leave the house unprepared โ€“ keep some pain relievers within easy reach, just in case!

Did you know that fluorescent lights also give off UV rays?  Itโ€™s a good thing youโ€™re ready with that sunscreen we mentioned before!

4.  Masks

Certain Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) items are eligible expenses, including masks!  Having access to a mask is still going to be convenient, and at times necessary.  Even with vaccination rates climbing, keeping a couple of extra masks in your desk drawer may come in handy.

5.  Shoe Inserts

Gone are the days of padding around in your socks or slippers all day.  Ease your feet back into wearing real shoes again by adding in comfortable shoe inserts.


Looking for more ways to spend your FSA funds?  Check out our blog about How to Be Smart About FSA Spending!